Join Our Team!
Ascend Pediatrics specializes in providing clinical, in-home, school or community supports to families! This unique clinic will allow you to expand your skills of working as an individual and a part of a multi-disciplinary team!
Therapy Aide
Full Time & Part Time Positions - Currently Not Hiring
Aide services provide support for the child and their families as they work on their therapy goals! They implement specific strategies that are provided by the therapists on your child's team! Our aides bring activities with them to work on goals through play-based activities and always keep it fun! Our aides work within your home or within the community for outings to work on social skills!
Therapy Contractor
Occupational Therapist - Currently Not Hiring
Registered Psychologist - Currently Hiring
Speech Language Pathologist - Currently Hiring
Physiotherapist - Currently Hiring
Behavioural Consultant (MSW.) - Currently Not Hiring
What our team members are saying!
“Ascend is a genuine space for collaboration and connection. I love the team and my work because of it! We’re very lucky!”
— Amanda, SLP